Welcome to my Webpage

But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.

About Me

Hi, my name is Megan. I am a student at Leopold R-III High School. I live in a small farm house on the outskirts of Marble Hill. I plan on moving to the beach, not any specific one, just a warm beach once I graduate. I am a quiet person, who likes to keep to herself. When it comes to sports I am a loud and competitive player. I am a very quiet person...




My mom is a local veterinarian. She is an amazing person, who always seems to be the coolest person from my family(somehow, even though she is extremly embarrassing and loud at times.)

My dad is a farmer who works early mornings and late nights. He is competitve, always pushing me to strive to do the best I can.

My brother also goes to Leopold R-III. He is a total dork and is a lot like my mom.

Both of my parents are hard workers and competitive. They push me to be my best and to give my all in school and sports.




  1. Horror Movies
  2. sharks
  3. reading
  4. swimming
  5. traveling
  6. orange juice
  7. Rollercoasters
  8. Rootbeer
  9. Symphony Bars
  10. Flamingos




  1. Math, Geometry, pretty much anything that has letters for numbers in the equations.
  2. Being kept in one place for a long time
  3. Taking Tests
  4. Romance books and a lot of romance movies (Not the Notebook though, that's an awesome movie.)



Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right.






  • Softball and Volleyball take up a lot of time in my life.

  • I love playing Ps4, whether versing my brother or one of my friends. My favorite game to play, by far, has been Red Dead Redemtpion 2.

  • I have a knack for drawing, painting, or sketching. Others think I am good at it, but I just draw whenever I am bored really.

  • I also just love to travel. Doesn't matter where, as long as I am discovering a new place or having an amazing time with my friends.



    Future Plans

    I have no real idea of what I am going to do in the nearing future. I plan on going to a four-year college along the coast somewhere. I am planning on getting my degree, hopefully a master's, in film-making.

    I plan on living along the beach somewhere for the majority of my live, excluding the times I will (hopefully) be traveling to make scenes for my movies. After that, I have no idea, but I do plan on having a family.




    To make some amazing movies and travel the world.

    To also catch a bird with my hands, while it is flying



    If you'd like to visit one of my friends' websites go to:





    All of these people are amazing and I am really close with all of them. I figured you might like to check out their webpages, since they are all pretty cool people.~